Using shayre from an administration and management perspective is accomplished through two interfaces, the shayre Portal and the shayre Application.
shayre PORTAL
shayre Portal is for the administration of your overall
shayre account. It is a web-based interface
accessed from the
LOGIN page of this website.
Based on the permissions of your shayre user role, administration of the shayre account includes access
to downloading the shayre software application, editing the overall shayre account details, adding and
deleting shayre users, managing shayre license information, monitoring of devices using shayre, and
managing notifications of device and data transfer activity.
You do not need to access or continuously keep open the shayre Portal to use shayre on a daily basis to
shayre files and data with others.
The user documentation manual for the
shayre Portal is
The shayre Application is for the management of the devices and folders that you connect to other
shayre users, in order to shayre files and data. It is a software application that you download from the
shayre Portal.
In managing your shayre application, you can access and email your own shayre device ID, establish
device invitations and connections with other shayre users, and create folder invitations and
connections with other shayre users.
You do not need to access or continuously keep open the shayre Application to use shayre on a daily
basis to shayre files and data with others.
The user documentation manual for the
shayre Application is